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Welcome to Enterprise Performance Strategies

Enterprise Performance Strategies is a newly formed company that provides end to end business solutions around enterprise compensation management (ECM), enterprise incentive management (EIM), and business performance enhancing software and services. The people who make up EPS are leaders in their fields, from technical experts in software development and implementation for EIM, ECM, business process management (BPM), and business rule engine (BRE) systems, to business strategy experts focusing on best practices in organization and compensation design and business process re-engineering.

Improve your results with ePerforms

With our tools and techniques, customers are seeing tangible improvements in their business performance:

Employees at all levels of the enterprise focus more on the customers, products, and activities that best drive the business.
Both top & bottom line results improve with better compensation and business practices.
Employee and partner performance are enhanced with more real time feedback and information.


Watch this Space! 
As we are a young company, we are working with partners and customers to develop and refine our software and services.  As our products become generally available, we will highlight them here.
New! epsResolve available soon!   
Our first product will be generally available soon.  For more information, see our products page.
Contact Us  
We are accepting expressions of interest from potential customers interested in joining our charter development customer program.  For more information, contact us at: Charter@ePerforms.com

Copyright © 2005 Enterprise Performance Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved